Our Works
Here's the works brokered by JUA
Les Assassins de la 5e B
- ISBN 978-2021056273
- Genre Mystery
- Language French
- Region France
- Publisher Editions du Seuil
- Release Date 2015-05-07
- Website https://www.seuil.com/ouvrage/les-assassins-de-la-5e-b-kanae-minato/9782021056273
World Works to Japan
Doireann Ni Ghriofa(Author), 吉田 育未(Translator)
コロラド・キッド 他二篇
Stephen King(Author), 高山 真由美(Translator), 白石 朗(Translator)
Matthew Query(Author), Harrison Query(Author), 田辺 千幸(Translator)
黒い蜻蛉: 小説 小泉八雲
Jean Pasley(Author), 小宮由(Translator)
E L James(Author), 池田 真紀子(Translator)