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Works in "Arts, Photography" by Genre
Barevné kombinace pro grafiky a designery
南雲 治嘉(Author)
Manga Idols: Dessiner mes idols japonaises en manga
Enciclopedia dell’animazione
神村 幸子(Author)
Stitching through the Seasons
樋口 愉美子(Author)
Piet Oudolf(Author), Noel Kingsbury(Author), 永村 裕子(Translator)
The Complete Guide to Manga Composition: Learn the Art of Perspective and Dynamic Storytelling
松岡 伸治(Author)
Manga Character Design: Faces, Fashions, Hairstyles and More!
紅木 春(Author)
Tokyo la nuit
マテウシュ・ウルバノヴィチ(Author), Jade Palmieri(Translator)
Tokio de noche
マテウシュ・ウルバノヴィチ(Author), Alina Shchasnovich Mironova(Translator)
Notti di Tokyo
Master of Manga: A Colouring Book by Narano
Les mondes oniriques de Narano – Livre de coloriage
Ausmalreise ins Zauberland: Fantastische Manga-Welten entdecken & ausmalen
Paul McCartney(Author), 藤本 国彦(監修), 荒井 理子(Translator)
ホラー映画の科学 悪夢を焚きつけるもの
Nina Nesseth(Author), 五十嵐加奈子(Translator)
KAILENE FALLS(Author), 涂紋凰(Translator)
Maravillas y delicias de Japón
KAILENE FALLS(Author), Alina Shchasnovich Mironova(Translator)
Рисуем мангу маркерами. Пособие-конструктор
緑華 野菜子(Author)
Coloriser les personnages manga aux feutres à alcool
緑華 野菜子(Author)
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